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Publications sélectionnées
Tremblay D, Touati N, Usher SE, Cournoyer J.
Dimensions of Proximity: An Actionable Framework to Better Understand Integrated Practices in Cancer Networks
Int J Integr Care. 2022;22(3):9
Fortin B, Silveira AM, Tremblay D.
Tackling the next taboo in cancer: the urgency of talking about and addressing financial toxicity.
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice. 2022;4(2):p e072.
Tremblay D, Touati N, Usher S, Bilodeau K, Pomey MP, Lévesque L.
Patient participation in cancer network governance: a six-year case study
.BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(929).
Tremblay D, Poder T, Vasiliadis HM, Touati N, Fortin B, Lévesque L, Longo C.
Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Patient Self-Administered Financial Effects (P-SAFE) Questionnaire to Assess the Financial Burden of Cancer in French-Speaking Patients
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 2020;8(4):366.
Tremblay D, Touati N, Poder T, Vasiliadis HM, Bilodeau K, Berbiche D, Denis JL, Pomey MP, Hébert J, Roch G, Prady C, Lévesque L.
Gouvernance collaborative du Réseau de cancérologie du Québec: une évaluation réaliste des mécanismes d’institutionnalisation, de la gouvernance multi-paliers et de la création de valeur par le biais d’une étude de cas multiples longitudinale
. Protocole de recherche (version française du protocole paru dans BMC Health Services Research) Université de Sherbrooke (Campus de Longueuil): Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé; 2019. Inclut deux fichiers additionnels : 1)
Cadre de référence de la gouvernance collaborative dans les réseaux en cancérologie
et 2)
Opérationnalisation des variables
Tremblay D, Touati N, Poder T, Vasiliadis HM, Bilodeau K, Berbiche D, Denis JL, Pomey MP, Hébert J, Roch G, Prady C, Lévesque L.
Collaborative governance in the Quebec Cancer Network: a realist evaluation of emerging mechanisms of institutionalization, multi-level governance, and value creation using a longitudinal multiple case study design
. BMC Health Service Research. 2019;19(752):1-14.
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D, Durand M-J.
Return to work after breast cancer treatments: Rebuilding everything despite feeling “in-between”
. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2019;41:165-72.
Tremblay D, Bilodeau K, Durand M-J, Coutu M-F.
Translation and perceptions of the French version of the Cancer Survivor Profile-Breast Cancer (CSPro-BC): A tool to identify and manage unmet needs
. J Cancer Survivorship. 2019;13(306).
Marcotte J, Tremblay D, Turcotte A, Michaud C.
Needs-focused interventions for family caregivers of older adults with cancer: a descriptive interpretive study
. Support Care Cancer. 2019;27(8):2771-81.
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D, Durand MJ.
Gaps and delays in survivorship care in the return-to-work pathway for survivors of breast cancer—a qualitative study
. Current Oncol. 2019;26(3).
Tremblay D.
Le réseau de cancérologie du Québec: 20 ans en actions, en paroles et en images
. (oral). Congrès de la Direction générale de cancérologie 2018 - Ensemble, en réseau, pour vaincre le cancer; Montréal: MSSS; 2018.
Caron M, Durand MJ, Tremblay D.
Perceptions of Breast Cancer Survivors on the Supporting Practices of Their Supervisors in the Return-to-Work Process: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
. J Occup Rehabil. 2018;28(1):89-96.
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D, Durand MJ.
Exploration of the contexts surrounding the implementation of an intervention supporting return-to-work after breast cancer in a primary care setting: starting point for an intervention development
. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2018;11:75-83.
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D.
How oncology teams can be patient-centred? Opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination
.Health Expect. 2018.
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D.
Effects of interdisciplinary teamwork on patient-reported experience of cancer care
. Health Expect. 2018.
Tremblay D, Prady C, Bilodeau K, Touati N, Chouinard MC, Fortin M, Gaboury I, Rodrigue J, L’Italien MF.
Optimizing clinical and organizational practice in cancer survivor transitions between specialized oncology and primary care teams: a realist evaluation of multiple case studies
. BMC Health Services Research. 2017; 17 (834).
Bilodeau K, Tremblay D, Durand MJ.
Exploration of return-to-work interventions for breast cancer patients: a scoping review
. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2017;25(6):1993-2007.
Caron M, Durand MJ, Tremblay D.
[Interventions to support the return-to-work process after cancer: a literature review]
. Santé Publique. 2017;29(5):655-64.
Tremblay D, Latreille J, Bilodeau K, Samson A, Roy L, L'Italien MF, et al.
Improving the transition from oncology to primary care teams: A case for shared leadership
. Journal of Oncology Practice. 2016;12(11):1012-9.
Tremblay D, Touati N, Roberge D, Breton M, Roch G, Denis JL, et al.
Understanding cancer networks better to implement them more effectively: A mixed methods multi-case study
. Implementation Science. 2016;11(1)
Nguyen BL, Tremblay D, Mathieu L, Groleau D.
Mixed method exploration of the medical, service-related, and emotional reasons for emergency room visits of older cancer patients
. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2016;24(6):2549-56.
Tremblay D, Roberge D, Berbiche D.
Determinants of patient-reported experience of cancer services responsiveness
. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15(1).
Provost S, Pineault R, Tousignant P, Roberge D, Tremblay D, Breton M et al.
Does the primary care experience influence the cancer diagnostic process?
Int J Family Med. 2015;2015:176812.
Tremblay D, Touati N, Roberge D, Denis JL, Turcotte A, Samson B.
Conditions for production of interdisciplinary teamwork outcomes in oncology teams: Protocol for a realist evaluation
. Implementation Science. 2014;9(1).
Roberge D, Tremblay D, Turgeon MÈ, Berbiche D.
Patients' and professionals' evaluations of quality of care in oncology outpatient clinics
. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2013;21(11):2983-90.
Tremblay D, Charlebois K, Terret C, Joannette S, Latreille J.
Integrated oncogeriatric approach: a systematic review of the literature using concept analysis
. BMJ Open. 2012;2(6).
Tremblay D, Roberge D, Cazale L, Touati N, Maunsell E, Latreille J, et al.
Evaluation of the impact of interdisciplinarity in cancer care
. BMC Health Services Research. 2011;11.
Tremblay D, Drouin D, Lang A, Roberge D, Ritchie J, Plante A.
Interprofessional collaborative practice within cancer teams: Translating evidence into action. A mixed methods study protocol
. Implementation Science. 2010;5(1).
Davies B, Tremblay D, Edwards N.
Sustaining evidence-based practice systems and measuring the impacts In: Bick D, Graham I, editors. Evaluating the impact of implementing evidence-based practice
. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2010.
D'Amour D, Tremblay D, Proulx M.
Déploiement de nouveaux rôles infirmiers au Québec et pouvoir médical
. Recherches sociographiques. 2009;L:301-20.
Tremblay D.
La traduction d’une innovation organisationnelle dans les pratiques professionnelles de réseau: l’infirmière pivot en oncologie
. Montréal: Université de Montréal; 2008.
Touati N, Roberge D, Denis J-L, Pineault R, Cazale L, Tremblay D.
Governance, health policy implementation and the added value of regionalization
. Healthcare Policy. 2007;2(3):97-114.
Roberge D, Cazale L, Tremblay D, Hébert-Croteau N.
Les effets des équipes interdisciplinaires locales en oncologie au Québec : étude pilote en Montérégie
. Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Charles LeMoyne, Longueuil. 2007
D'Amour D, Tremblay D, Bernier L.
Les pratiques professionnelles de réseaux: l'intégration au delà des structures. In: Marie-Josée Fleury MT, Hung Nguyen, Luc Bordeleau editor. Le système sociosanitaire au Québec. Gouverne, régulation et participation
. In: Marie-Josée Fleury MT, Hung Nguyen, Luc Bordeleau editor. Le système sociosanitaire au Québec. Gouverne, régulation et participation. Boucherville: Gaétan Morin Éditeur, Chenelière Éducation 2007. p. 273-87.
Touati N, Roberge D, Denis JL, Cazale L, Pineault R, Tremblay D.
Clinical leaders at the forefront of change in health-care systems: Advantages and issues. Lessons learned from the evaluation of the implementation of an integrated oncological services network
. Health Services Management Research. 2007;19(2):105-122.
Cazale L, Tremblay D, Roberge D, Touati N, Denis J-L, Pineault R.
Développement et application d'une vignette clinique pour apprécier la qualité des soins d'équipes interdisciplinaires en oncologie
. Rev Epidemiol Sante. 2006 54:407-20.
Roberge D, Denis J-L, Cazale L, Comtois E, Pineault R, Touati N, Tremblay D.
Évaluation du réseau intégré de soins et de services en oncologie: l'expérience de la Montérégie
. Rapport final de recherche. Fondation Canadienne dela recherche sur les services de santé. 2004.
Roberge D, Denis J-L, Cazale L, Comtois E, Pineault R, Touati N, Tremblay D.
Assessement of the integrated network of oncology care and services: the Montérégie experience
. Executive summary. Canadian Health Services Research Fondation. 2004
Ensemble, pour et avec les personnes
touchées par le cancer